Ah, the ever classic keg-party! My advice is to advertise one of these hefty babies a week in advance. Charge $5 at the door, mark the damn kid's hands, give 'em a cup and tell 'em to move on. These can be tricky because when people hear 'keg-party', they will come in droves, which in turn attract the police. If this happens, you can get in a crap-load of trouble. However, if you pull one of these off, you can have next month's rent paid for. My advice...Do it, pussy!
Farm party, hick style! Nah, don't take this picture too literally. If ya own a farm, have a huge field party or if you don't and you want that barn-like feel, get a couple bales of hay, throw on your overalls, get a keg or two, invite a shitload of people, and let the fun begin!
The T-shirt party (couldn't think of any better names dirtbag). Everybody gets old blank t-shirts or or buys a 3-pack from Sears. Simply write a saying of your choice and head over to the fun. Examples- "You're a slut", "I'm drunk", "Give me head", "Beer", etc.
The Sausage-fest...The great let-down of any night that you originally thought had potential. Simply go about inviting your usual band of miscreants. You may think the night may have something in store, but fate intervenes in this phenomenon, and only dudes show up.